Thursday, October 2, 2014

Oh Weary Momma

Yesterday I had the privilege of sharing a brief phone conversation with one of my lifelong friends, Michelle. She is an amazing mother of 4, ages 7-2. She is superwoman… homeschool mom, housewife, lover of Jesus, and brilliantly talented artist. Yesterday, she had called to tell me happy birthday and as we chatted we joked about being in our 30’s as if we were becoming old ladies before our time. In the midst of our jest I paused and stated I’m glad I’m getting older. You see, there is something beautiful about getting older. In my “old” age I now have a chance to speak about being younger. For Michelle and I and many other of my friends, this is something we value so much. We realize the importance of having someone who has walked before us, been the tired, exhausted mom of the newborn and toddler trying to keep it all together and do it all alone. We, now, being “older” and wiser realize the importance and life giving capability words have in seasons of weariness and exhaustion. 

So to the tired mommas out there…know that you are not alone. I have been the weary mom, with the messy house, dirty laundry that flows from every corner, dusty bunnies teasing me in every crevice, desperate and exhausted. The weight of guilt over not engaging your children enough, to the mess that seems to be everywhere, to the fact that you may or may not have taken a shower in the last 5 days, to the fact that chicken nuggets and mac and cheese may be on the menu 3 times in a week…YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Breathe…then BREATHE again…NOW ONE MORE TIME. There is no perfect answer or schedule on how to keep a clean house or on top of the laundry. Let go of the condemnation that wears you down and keeps you there. Let go of the fear that your friends will be totally disgusted by your mess. Stop feeling guilty over how bad a mom you might be and delight in the fact that you have amazing kids, maybe a little dirty or sticky, but amazing. Stop trying to do it all at once, and just do what you can in a moment. Put down the facebook or iphone and look around. Look into your children’s eyes and see the wonder and imagination that is there. That little amazing person is yours, whether biologically or adopted, you labored, prayed, and have believed God for them in unimaginable ways. Rejoice in the gift that you have. A mess will keep and facebook will always be there as far back as you want to go, but dear momma just breathe and see the beauty that is before you. Relinquish the lies of the enemy who so desires to keep you blinded and distracted from the beauty and opportunity that is right before you. There is no formula or perfect procedure to being you, but don’t let weariness, distraction, and guilt keep you from doing what God has gifted you the right to do. Just breathe and then Breathe again. The mess will keep but memories wait for no man. 

Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"