Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's Get HOLEY!!!

Wow!!! I know it has been a while since I've posted. I could conjure up some pretty decent sounding excuses, but the fact is I just haven't been intentional about writing. Who knows how much that will change in the coming days but for now I am going to take this one day at a time.

Anyway, recently I went through an amazing Bible Study, "No Other Gods" by Kelly Minter. Amazing really doesn't come close to explaining how transformational it was for me. I'm beginning to see things in a whole different way. One thing that I want to hit on today is becoming Holy.

Throughout the course of the study the word "holy" kept coming up. To get rid of the junk and pursue Christ. (That sounds seriously sunday school...sorry). However, when I kept hearing the word "holy" I kept thinking "holey", like to have alot of holes. I mean for thirteen weeks every time we talked about holy I thought holey, over and over again. My brain went to Swiss Cheese and not purity before the Lord. Well, I began to process through why am I thinking that. When talking about being holy I began to realize that there was alot of "stuff" in my life that needed out. Things that were blocking Holy from shining through. Things that I need to get rid of in order for Jesus to be seen. I need to get holey. The things that initially came to mind that I should deal with were: what I was watching on television, how much time I spend on facebook, and even what energy I was using in serving with wrong motives. Pretty much some of the stuff that you would think of initially, you know surface stuff. As I began to weed through some of those issues I found other things like, depending on relationships with others for self worth and not God, being very ME focused and not other's centered (especially in my marriage), contriving my definition of goodness and self worth by what I do and not WHO I serve. I was a little astonished, maybe not really, over how lacking I was in my relationship with MY DAD (as in heavenly father). All that I had traded away for Freedom, Love, Understanding, Forgiveness, Provision, Faithfulness, Wisdom...the list could go on forever. I think you get the idea. I traded playing fruit ninja for some worship time, or facebook time for just being still and meditating on Who He is. I I GAVE AWAY my joy for cheap, disgusting nothingness. MY DAD, the God of all Creation, loves ME, despite my selfish heart. He STILL AND ALWAYS will WANT ME just as I am. When I come just as I am that is when He can make me just as HE is. HOLY!!! He will never ask me to give up what He does not intend to replace. That is the best trade of all.

So What are you trading away for Holy?