Friday, January 20, 2012


Okay so yesterday I posted about being Devastated, totally unrecognizable. Well this is what He has set in my heart “FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS”.
The last few years I feel like I've been in a tug of war, fighting a battle that I cannot win on my own, trying my hardest to be a "GOOD" Christian, Wife, and Mother BUT not who God created me to be. HIS!!!
I’ve been ignoring His call to journey with Him and struggling on my own to stay on a mountain top, in that safe place. I’ve been so unwilling to budge, desperate for something more or better thinking that is the only place I can attain it, only to have my rear end booted off time and time again. Somehow I’ve come to believe that if I’m not on the mountain top that I’m not where I need to be with Him, as if that is the only place He resides. As I’m writing this I can’t believe that I’ve been blind for so long. I’ve allowed Satan to tell me what a failure I am in those valley moments. I’ve allowed him to hinder my call, my dreams and most importantly my pursuit of MY JESUS. Instead of trusting Him with EVERYTHING, I’ve only trusted with some things. As my grandmother says, “You either trust God with Everything or you don’t trust Him at all” and my pastor’s wife who says, “Either God is God or He is NOT”. I’m tired of trying and just plain tired. I will NEVER be perfect.
We try so hard, especially as women and moms…even men, to be perfect. One definition Webster’s gives for perfect is COMPLETE, lacking no essential detail. I’ll say it again I WILL NEVER BE PERFECT. I can’t. He is the ONLY perfect, COMPLETE one, and He is the ONLY one who can COMPLETE me. Wow this thought just popped in my head and I’m just going to say it. What if a pursuit of trying to be perfect, in any way, is a form of idolatry? OUCH.
The Perfect Christian, with my “spiritual” to do list checked off, the Perfect Wife, doing the cleaning, cooking, and caring for my husband, and the Perfect Mother with devotional time, scripture memory, letters, numbers, and discipline ALL while having a loving, kind, compassionate attitude to my child (when what I really want is a moment of silence and to go to the bathroom by myself). Am I trying so hard to make myself GREAT and get some form of GLORY that I totally miss out. WOW, and not only am I missing out but really putting myself in His place, as if any glory was mine to be attained. AM I WORSHIPING MYSELF (as self deprecating as my attempts to achieve notoriety are)? HOLY SMOKES. I've just been knocked on my butt. It's hard though. I don’t know about y’all but the PROVERBS 31 Woman lingers constantly in the forefront on my mind as this DO or DIE TRYING ideal of who we are supposed to be. Now PLEASE don’t get me wrong. I love the Proverbs 31 Woman. My Mom, Grandmothers, and Aunts are that woman. However, I believe the Proverbs 31 Woman, was that woman, not because she was trying to be something above and beyond, but because she knew this:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”-Proverbs 3:5-6. (This among countless other scripture)
We are killing ourselves TRYING so hard to keep it all together… trying to keep all the plates up in air and then what…we go to bed destitute and desperate. We either trust Him with all of it or nothing. There is no middle ground with Him. At what point do we wave the white flag and surrender? At what point are we so desperate for a change that we say “Lord, here am I…DEVASTATE ME”?
Are you there yet? I am. I’m desperate for better and ready for MORE. This cannot and IS NOT all there is.
So, are you there yet?
If so I know God has an incredible journey ahead of us. If not…….
Isaiah 41: 10
“Do not fear, for I am with you, Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
John 16:33
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; “I have overcome the world.” ”

Thursday, January 19, 2012


1) To Bring to Ruin or Desolation by violent action
2) To Reduce to Chaos, disorder, or helplessness: overwhelm
Oh to be devastated by a Holy Power. What does that mean? To be completely overwhelmed, made absolutely helpless, totally obliterated, UNRECOGNIZABLE!!! What would that take? Well, not much if God just chose to do so, and SOMETIMES HE does. It’s in the valleys that He is teaching us, HOWEVER, what if we CHOSE to become unrecognizable…CHOSE to be changed?
Right now I’ve started on a several part journey to be changed. I GIVE UP!!! There’s no amount of resolutions that I can make to do anything with the mess that is ME. I’ve tried for years to change myself and have failed miserably, but that’s not my job anyway. Who do I think I am? Well, most definitely not who I’ve been “trying” to be for sure. I remember something my Mom always used to tell me “Only God can change the heart of a king”(usually in reference to my dad not letting me have what I want and her telling me to pray about it), but none the less that applies to me as well. Only He can change my heart. No matter how many bible studies or church events I attend there is nothing I can do to change my heart. It is only Jesus who can Redeem me. All I can do is GIVE UP.
So I wave the white flag (moment by moment) and surrender. Am I scared out of my mind? YES. Will it probably hurt like HAITES? YES. Will I have to sacrifice some things or A LOT of things? MOST DEFINITELY. Is God faithful ? MORE THAN I WILL EVER BE ABLE TO COMPREHEND. IS HE ABUNDANTLY MORE THAT I WILL EVER NEED? YES YES YES HE IS!!!
There are one of two realizations that we have to come to as believers, either He is worth my EVERYTHING or He isn’t. Is He worth a few minutes of sleep? Is He worth me giving up some of my “precious” TV time? Is He worth me getting my rear end off of pinterest, facebook, and twitter? (Even if I’m becoming the housewife of the century with all my new recipes, craftiness, and cleaning techniques ;) ) He is calling, and has been calling longer that I want to admit. Today I choose to answer, “ HERE AM I LORD…DEVASTATE ME.” Scary and Exciting all at the same time. So my question to you is…What will your answer be??? Is HE worth your EVERYTHING or NOT?
Philippians 1:21 “For to Me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”