Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Body in Motion

Glimpses…snapshots…moments captured in the blink of an eye.
Fluid in motion and graceful in every stride.
Beauty beyond all words, there is nothing I can say.

This body created in incredible form, is indeed a sight of splendor an exquisite display.
Breathtaking in every move.
The way it yields itself, offers itself, denies itself, is manifest of the Glory of God, it praises His name.

Each part pouring out all it has, for all He is.
Each part serving the purpose, each part serving the goal.
It’s the Gospel’s Call.
The tenacity of spirit and joy of the soul, radiates love for others and gives hope for us all.

This body I speak of is not singular in form, but many parts of an offering being laid down for His All.
The members of this body so unique in every way, bring Glory to our Savior in a very simple way.
The gift that they bring is not lavish or gold, but simply an offering of themselves that is all.

So what is your offering, no matter how little or small, all that He asks is just for My All.