Monday, February 27, 2012


Devastated the Change.

Are you devastated at this moment? I don't mean in regards to what I have been talking about in previous posts, but instead...are you hurting, writhing in pain? Has something come upon you that has shaken you to your very core. Has something nearly destroyed all that you believed about yourself or how you see yourself; having significant impact on how you see the world and God? Have you been devastated, changed into something that you often don't recognize, not knowing who you are or what you are doing? I have. My whole world has been flipped on it's head more than once. If you asked people around me, most wouldn't have a clue of the trap that I have allowed myself to stay in bondage to, the lies that I have allowed Satan to nearly destroy me, my love for my Savior, my family, and my calling. I have believed that I am worthless, unusable, and of no consequence to anyone. Are you feeling that way right now? Do you feel trapped and hopeless? Do you feel of no consequence to anyone? I have more times than I care to admit. I've allowed the hurt and pain that I have experienced to dictate my behavior, hiding in sheer terror of being shaken again...desperate for solid ground. Well, let me tell you that there is a place far greater than solid ground. It's in the freedom of flight. Flying in the presence of the Almighty King and Maker of all creation.

We talked previously about all that God has done for us, sending His only Son to die so that we may live...yet we so easily become encumbered by the lies that Satan feeds us. Now he may not be attacking the depths of your heart but may be whispering promise of security in apathy. I've also been there and bought into that lie as well. However, something deep with in us is desperate for more. A deep hunger that dwells in the very depths of who we are is crying out to be fly. However, we act like the scared little blue bird, afraid of what lies beyond the nest, seeking the safety and security that the familiar offers. However, that is a false security. Stuck inside that nest that little bird is susceptible to so many attacks (from predator, weather, and hunger) because it has no knowledge of how to fly, escape, or sustain itself. It's fear makes it prime prey. Similarly, we become prey, easy pickings, for Satan and all the lies that he feeds us when we allow our fear to dictate our behavior. God is calling us to something more. He has placed a thirsty heart inside of us. Will we allow ourselves to realize that and begin to be filled by all that God has for us? I love what AW Tozer says "Thirsty hearts are those whose longings have been awakened by the touch of God within them." Our first step must be in the realization that something is missing. Our hearts are longing to soar, to experience new heights and depths of life, love, and passion. To experience a touch of God. That longing has been placed there by God.

Have you ever been in the still quiet of a moment when you allow yourself to dream, to imagine greatness, wholeness, adventure, and freedom? That is what He gave us. A desire for more and a desperation for GLORIOUS living. It's amazing how quickly we snap back into reality with the nagging of a child or the bustle of our job. We lose hope for a future greatness and freedom. We once again buy into the lies of Satan, losing hope for the mere possibility of change. We become content in the mundane everyday synchronicity of our lives. BUT WAIT!!!

John 16:33
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace, In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

John 10:10
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

He has come to save us, to resurrect in us a new life full of endless possibilities. A life not our own, but His with a promise of life and life abundant. However, to receive this we must humble ourselves in complete surrender. Like John Eldridge talks about in "The Sacred Romance" if we want to share in the story that God has, we've got to play the part that He has given us no matter what.

Change is not something that I run whole heartedly toward, but by and with the Grace and Mercy of my Heavenly Father I can embrace the plan He has for me. I can live "FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS". No matter the hurt that I have experienced, will experience in the future, and the lies of Satan that I have to battle against, I must believe that God is SOVEREIGN and in control of ALL things. It is in this belief and living this out with everything inside of me that I can FLY in the FREEDOM of not only knowing my Savior but truly experiencing Him to His fullest.


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